Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Back to School

Last Friday Caleb tried a jog around the block. Went pretty well for the first block, but his stomach hurt some before making it back on the second try. A little rest and things settled down.
Monday saw him returning to school. I think he found it good to get back, but he's still weak. Can't handle a full day of grueling classes and demanding teachers! Kids have been pretty receptive.

Today (Tuesday) he came home quite weak, couldn't stay awake, had a fever of nearly 100. A little to eat, a couple of hours nap, and the fever came down and he was back up.

The problem comes, at least in part, from the fact that he is an "elderly" patient. This procedure is normally performed on kids under one year of age. At the advanced age of 12, his body structure is pretty rigid and the manipulation to get the shunt routed through his body is pretty traumatic. It will take some time for everything to get back in place.

Sometimes it's a little difficult to get a true reading on how well he's doing. Witness the following enlightening conversation...

"How do you feel?"
"What do you mean, 'fine'?," "Do you still have a headache?"
"Is it as bad as it used to be?"
"Does it throb?"
"Not as much."
"Does it hurt all over or at your incisions?"
"But you're better?"
"So you still hurt, but not like it used to?"

1 comment:

Heather said...

Well at least he is doing "better" then before! Poor guy! Give him our love!