Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sunday - Going Home

Caleb was watched over faithfully by his Texas Longhorns buddies. It was a good weekend. The Longhorns won their annual archrivalry against OU at the Cotton Bowl and Caleb regained some strength. He didn't really feel that great, but some measure of normalcy began to return.

Later Saturday afternoon, his Melissa Cardinals coaches and football team came to pay a visit and brought with them a signed football which we will put on display in a prominent place .

With medication and a hotpack on his head he has relief from most of his pain.

Sunday showed additional improvement and doctor said it was time to go.

He seemed to be in better spirits today and he has come home. He will be out of school for another week and will resume physical activity as he feels like it - his discretion. But probably no more football. There are football players with shunts in their heads, but it does carry an increased measure of risk.

He is not eating well yet, but I don't think I would be either at this point. Temperature seems to be stable and all other signs are OK as well.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Still praying for you Caleb!!