Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What counts?

As I sit here in a comfortable chair waiting for my kids and grandkids to get out of youth group... news of the terrible earthquake in Haiti is swirling around.

I spent a few minutes looking at Facebook and see all the entries about games, sports, food, who did what to whom, movies being reviewed... and I'm thinking what, in the few years we get to spend on this earth is really of value?

When my life on earth is over, will people remember the movies I watched, the teams i cheered for, the food I ate, the books I read, the places I went... or might they remember the character I demonstrated whether good or bad....

I think that only what's done for Christ will last... that's what counts. I want to spend my time and my mind investing in things that will last. How can I know Him better, I can I better reflect the character of Christ in my life?

Want to join me?

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