Friday, October 06, 2006

Surgery Today!

Alarms started going off at 4:30 am today... We had things to do before we could leave and the hospital is one - two hours away - dependingon traffic. We arrived in good time ready for the big day - 7:45 am.

Hannah came with us and what a help she was to Caleb. She was really an encouragement to him.

A stop at Starbucks for a kickstart to his day.

By 9:00 we were in the prep room, Caleb had on his hospital finest and was ready to go. Surprise! At about 9:15 a knock at the door and we were told we had a visitor. We opened the door and there was the principal from the school that Caleb attends and where Rachel works - and he brought a whole wagon load of goodies gathered up by kids and teachers at school. What a haul!

They didn't take him in until 11:30. It was 12:45 before they actually started surgery and about 2:00 pm when the doctor came by to tell us all had gone well. He seemed pleased and indicated there had been no problems with the procedure.

Caleb wasn't quite as talkative then. He has a 2" to 3" long cut in the back of his head and in the top of his head; and one in his side to allow maneuvering the tube as it was threaded into the abdominal area.The tube starts in the back of his head, travels to the top of the head where the hardware is - a little valve to control the flow, then back down into the abdominal cavity where the fluid drains and is absorbed naturally by the body.

He was ready for nothing more than sleep How does he feel? Not very well right now. He is ready to cancel the operation. He - as expected - is in a lot of pain. He should have a slightly different perspective tomorrow.

Prognosis - No official prognosis has been provided. We were told there are no guarantees - Caleb may still have headaches; He may have headaches because of the lack of pressure - the brain pushing out where the cyst used to be; There may be infections, the tube may get pulled out........ But, the expectation seemed to be that it was very successful and we are thankful for the prayers of many of you and your friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Caleb, we want you to know that we love you very much!! What an ordeal to have to go through. You have been in our prayers constantly, and will continue to be. I'm so glad to hear that things went as were expected. That is so neat to hear what your school did for you, too. And I'm glad to hear that Hannah was there with you. By the way - Hannah, I never thought I would think this - but you look a lot like mom in those pictures with the dark hair :) Thanks for keeping us updated - it's hard to be so far away. Wrap your arms around yourself and give a big hug from us. We love you!!!!! Get rested and feel better!
