Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In everything give thanks... how often we voice this well-known passage of Scripture, but fail to apply it when the going gets tough... Yesterday I was reminded of the gracious gifts of God and my own need to be more thankful...

I was waiting in the old tire shop to get my truck inspected when an old black man coasted in on his bike... He came for air in his tires. As he rolled to a stop, I suddenly realized he had only one leg... the other being amputated at the hip. I began to wonder how in the world he was going to get out of there as the drive ascends a steep slop right out of the shop with no room to get a run for it.

With the tires aired up, he turned around, and nonchalantly continued his journey through a series of pedal maneuvers: peddle down, then lift with the toe and peddle down again... He continued his cruise.

As I hopped into my comfy vehicle and thought about some of my aches and pains... I had to think of maybe how ungrateful I am for the blessings I enjoy - sometimes with even a thought for thankfulness.

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