Saturday, November 22, 2014

Living Life to the Full

Some folks may think I'm a bit disconnected... but I enjoy getting older. You see, getting older takes the stress out of life.
I realize that I will never "get done". I will always have lists and projects. In fact, I hope I never run out of the desire to accomplish. But, I have also learned that with the impossibility of getting everything done, I can relax and enjoy the accomplishments, anticipate the opportunities, and rejoice that God has a new day waiting for me... either on this earth where I may be an encouragement to someone else... or in Heaven where I will enjoy His accomplishments forever.
It is so freeing to not have to worry about what I didn't get done when I realize I'm here to do God's bidding and if I've done that... that's enough.
Now, this doesn't mean I'm condoning inaction. In fact, God expects us to be busy accomplishing the things He has laid out for us.
Ecclesiastes records a man’s search for significance, his hunt for happiness, his race for reality. Solomon asked, What is the point of life “under the sun”?—a phrase he used twenty-nine times. He had everything—fame, family, and fortune, wisdom, women, and wealth, song, slaves, and silver—and yet he was despondent. He wrote, “I hated life” (2:17), and he said he felt despair (2:20). Many people today, like Solomon, experience pessimism and frustration, a sense of gloom and doom. For the rest of the story, see here: